Rambling thoughts, tales, opinions and ponderings from a boy from the banks of the Buck Creek who grew up to be a proud Dad of a son, who happens to have Down syndrome
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Somebody sure likes basketball!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Have we lost our minds?
Here is what I mean:
The Indiana Legislature is in session trying to figure out our state budget and they spend all day talking about pie:
Read about our state pie
We have thugs going and robbing our public school students while they are waiting for the bus:
Read about our local thugs
Our stimulus package that is supposed to stimulate the economy is now going to be used to fund absurd building projects for our amazing local government officials.....might as well give the money to AIG and Citi Group:
Read about our new spending programs
We now hire an ex G.W.B. staffer and pal of our Guv to run an Indiana Agency. While I really don't care that he got fired by the Red Cross I have to ask.....is there no one in Indiana that can do this job?
Read about our new agency head
I could go on but I will stop for now. I am at a loss right now trying to figure out what these people are thinking.....
I think Indiana needs it's own version of Governor Jesse Ventura and we need it fast. Anyone have any ideas????????????
Peace Dude!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Now we have it right!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Noblesville School Board, Clueless and out of touch!
Please understand I am not saying the folks on the School Board and Dr. Lehman are bad people as I actually think they are all pretty good folks. But with that said they are so entrenched into Hamilton County Republican Politics and such a part of the Good Ole Boys Club they think it is still 1980. Guess what gang you need to get a clue. If you think this community is going to go along with a proposal full of sports money and consulting fees to your pals you are wrong. You want to create a plan that works and is responsible it will pass. But don't talk down to us and act like you are smarter then this community. You are not!
By the way in all the follow up articles I have yet to see anyone ask or answer this question. Since you thought this was a done deal and moved ahead with plans and permits how much has the school corporation spent on this failed project? And where did that money come from in the schools budget? What cuts will have to be made to student education to compensate for this spent money?
Peace Dude!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Latest Additions to Indy!

Nash and I recently had the chance to see a Colts Game at the new Stadium and on our Christmas vacation we all got to experience the New Indianapolis International Airport. After visiting both and comparing them to my experiences in the past I had to think. The RCA Dome was fine and has now been demolished. The old Airport is empty and they are trying to find something to do with it.
After thinking of this and the costs to build both I am left with one question that is driving my crazy....
Peace Dude!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
What a picture!

What do you think they are all thinking as they watch their building project crash and burn? My guess is King Kevin is shocked the flock did not follow his orders. Chris Hamm is still trying to figure out why he left his job with the city and I can only figure Julia Kozicki is calling her Daddy Doug Church to see if he can fix it. Ok I am just pulling their legs a bit on this but........they do need a little dose of reality.
1. Yes it has to do with the economy gang but that is not the only reason.
2. You need to redo the plan and get rid the college style athletic plans.
3. Figure out what you need to perform in academics.
4. Don't send a news letter home the same day we are voting telling us we can't have daily math tests due to a budget cut for paper.
5. Maybe next time you can have the vote at the same time you have the other elections. You know I read the article today and the one thing Kathy Richardson did not say was she was busy running for re-election.
6. Get the numbers down and maybe hire a project manager from Hamilton County.
Come on gang the free ride is over. Do your jobs and come up with a solid plan moving forward.
Peace Dude.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Noblesville Republican School Board gets defeated!
Peace Dude!
Noblesville voters defeat $59.5M spending plan in special election today
By Chris Sikich
Posted: January 9, 2009
NOBLESVILLE -- Noblesville voters defeated the school district's plans to spend $59.5 million on building projects in Indiana's first special election under a new law.
County election officials said 1,799 people voted for the project and 1,880 voted against it.Less than 12 percent of registered voters turned out for the special election.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Happy New Year
Emeril's New Orleans Fish house is no longer after all these years my favorite place to eat....actually I doubt I will ever go back and our waiter Edward might be the worst in the Biz.
If you are going to Vegas in the near future and you are not offended by adult oriented humor you have to see Zumanity. I have not laughed so hard in years.
And for a family vacation The Hilton Resorts are great but the best hotel in Las Vegas is still........drum roll please............... THE GOLDEN NUGGET!
I hope you all have a happy and prosperous 2009.
Peace Dude!