well gang had a little repair work done on the old body. To much abuse and pounding over too many years of football. A little medicated which is good but back at home and ready to get back to normal....what ever normal is.
Peace Dude.
Rambling thoughts, tales, opinions and ponderings from a boy from the banks of the Buck Creek who grew up to be a proud Dad of a son, who happens to have Down syndrome
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Do Indiana Republicans want Mitch to Lose?
The latest flyer from THE INDIANA REPUBLICAN PARTY makes me wonder if someone rooting for JLT is working there. While I understand negative campaigning why not let the National Party send this out with no damadge. I can assure you this has caused many folk that had planned on voting for Obama and Mitch to change their minds. I have seen the emails. While I think Mitch will still win how many down ticket races did the R's just screw up?

Friday, October 24, 2008
McCain Palin Disability Policy
Well gang I am a bit worn out as I have been looking at this for hours. But a few quick points.
1. Good stuff but why did it take until today to share it with us?
2. It says full funding, but clearly calls for 40% of the additional cost of special education. IDEA originally called for 70% of the additional cost. While I applaud the idea of the funding I disagree with calling it full funding.
3. Where is the money coming from......cutting the fat in gov't? McCain is a Maverick but since 1975 we have not been able to cut the fat to fund IDEA. Why after all these years in DC can McCain change it now?
4. Governor Palin rolled this out this morning and in McCains speech this afternoon he clearly called for a freeze on funding for all federal programs. So which is it?
5. Governor Palin on Wednesday said she does not support Colorado's effort to raise sales tax to increase funding.
The good news is this is the most talk the disability community has had in a long long time. But we need a real policy with solid funding for IDEA and for post secondary, employment, housing and services for adults. We have a long way to go but I think we are heading in the right direction.
Bottom line I have to hear more detail.
Peace Dude!
1. Good stuff but why did it take until today to share it with us?
2. It says full funding, but clearly calls for 40% of the additional cost of special education. IDEA originally called for 70% of the additional cost. While I applaud the idea of the funding I disagree with calling it full funding.
3. Where is the money coming from......cutting the fat in gov't? McCain is a Maverick but since 1975 we have not been able to cut the fat to fund IDEA. Why after all these years in DC can McCain change it now?
4. Governor Palin rolled this out this morning and in McCains speech this afternoon he clearly called for a freeze on funding for all federal programs. So which is it?
5. Governor Palin on Wednesday said she does not support Colorado's effort to raise sales tax to increase funding.
The good news is this is the most talk the disability community has had in a long long time. But we need a real policy with solid funding for IDEA and for post secondary, employment, housing and services for adults. We have a long way to go but I think we are heading in the right direction.
Bottom line I have to hear more detail.
Peace Dude!
Hot off the Press....wow I have some work to do.
For Immediate Release Contact: Press Office Friday, October 24, 2008 703-650-5550
The McCain-Palin Commitment To Children With Special Needs "To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House." -- Governor Sarah Palin, 9/4/08
Today, Governor Sarah Palin Outlined The McCain-Palin Commitment To Children With Special Needs. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe we must continue to challenge our education system to expand access to students with disabilities and provide them with a meaningful and high-quality education. Only 52 percent of students with disabilities graduate with a regular high school diploma, and 33 percent of students with disabilities drop out of the education system entirely. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe we can, and must, do better. A McCain-Palin Administration will do better, with a Vice President who understands the issue first-hand working to implement these major reforms.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: More Choice
· Allow Parents Of Students With Disabilities To Choose The Best School For Their Child. Parents should be able to send their child, especially a child with a disability, to a school of their choice so that they can get the best education possible. Using the Florida McKay scholarship as a model starting point, the McCain Administration will allow states to develop programs that allow parents to choose public or private schools, with federal funding following the child. The McCain-Palin team will also expect states to hold these schools accountable for their results. This proposal carries no cost beyond IDEA funding. States should be allowed to develop these programs with their federal IDEA funds and state and local funds.
· Make Explicit That Federal Funds Are Fully Portable. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe parents of students with disabilities should be allowed to use federal funds at any qualified school of their choice, public or private, religious or secular without forcing them into an administrative process. Currently, the district or the specific school can make such a recommendation. This initiative will allow the parents to make the choice and recommendations themselves. The McCain administration will work to make this a reality.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: Fully Fund The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
· The McCain Administration Will Fully Fund The IDEA. Special Education has been a federal issue since 1975, when President Ford signed the law now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- IDEA. While IDEA has been improved and strengthened over the years, its primary funding commitment has never been met.
· Full Federal Funding Of IDEA Is Estimated At $26 Billion Annually Compared To The Current Level Of $10.9 Billion. Using a phased-in increase of $3 billion annually in order to reach the full funding in five years will cost an additional $45 billion over five years. Full funding for IDEA means the federal government would pay 40 percent of the costs of the K-12 special education program.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: Reform And Refocus
· Provide Information And Assistance To Families Of Infants And Toddlers With Special Needs And Up-To-Date Information For Medical Professionals. The Parent Training and Information (PTI) Centers and Community Parent Information Centers (CPRCs) provide needed information and assistance. Unfortunately, to date, their focus has been parents of school age children; the McCain Administration will refocus IDEA so that the Centers must expand to parents with children ages 0-3. In addition, the McCain Administration will call for the Centers to provide access to better information for medical professionals about improvements in resources and the availability of assistance. In turn, these medical professionals will be able to provide better information to parents. This can be done with no additional cost beyond IDEA funding as it merely refocuses existing funding.
· Increase Funding For States To Improve Services To Families With Infants And Toddlers. Almost 80 percent of families with special needs children from birth through three years old serve their children at home under the IDEA program. Parents and families will benefit from improved programs and resources to maximize their child's potential in the early years under a McCain Administration. Currently, this part of IDEA is minimally funded. · Improve Services To Students With Disabilities In High Schools And Community Colleges. The McCain Administration will modernize the Vocational Rehabilitation Act to improve services to students with disabilities in high schools and community colleges. Require states to demonstrate proven outcomes for students with disabilities that lead to gainful employment when they graduate. When the Vocational Rehabilitation Act is modernized, funding should be refocused to incentivize proven outcomes for students with disabilities
The McCain-Palin Commitment To Children With Special Needs "To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House." -- Governor Sarah Palin, 9/4/08
Today, Governor Sarah Palin Outlined The McCain-Palin Commitment To Children With Special Needs. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe we must continue to challenge our education system to expand access to students with disabilities and provide them with a meaningful and high-quality education. Only 52 percent of students with disabilities graduate with a regular high school diploma, and 33 percent of students with disabilities drop out of the education system entirely. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe we can, and must, do better. A McCain-Palin Administration will do better, with a Vice President who understands the issue first-hand working to implement these major reforms.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: More Choice
· Allow Parents Of Students With Disabilities To Choose The Best School For Their Child. Parents should be able to send their child, especially a child with a disability, to a school of their choice so that they can get the best education possible. Using the Florida McKay scholarship as a model starting point, the McCain Administration will allow states to develop programs that allow parents to choose public or private schools, with federal funding following the child. The McCain-Palin team will also expect states to hold these schools accountable for their results. This proposal carries no cost beyond IDEA funding. States should be allowed to develop these programs with their federal IDEA funds and state and local funds.
· Make Explicit That Federal Funds Are Fully Portable. John McCain and Sarah Palin believe parents of students with disabilities should be allowed to use federal funds at any qualified school of their choice, public or private, religious or secular without forcing them into an administrative process. Currently, the district or the specific school can make such a recommendation. This initiative will allow the parents to make the choice and recommendations themselves. The McCain administration will work to make this a reality.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: Fully Fund The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
· The McCain Administration Will Fully Fund The IDEA. Special Education has been a federal issue since 1975, when President Ford signed the law now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- IDEA. While IDEA has been improved and strengthened over the years, its primary funding commitment has never been met.
· Full Federal Funding Of IDEA Is Estimated At $26 Billion Annually Compared To The Current Level Of $10.9 Billion. Using a phased-in increase of $3 billion annually in order to reach the full funding in five years will cost an additional $45 billion over five years. Full funding for IDEA means the federal government would pay 40 percent of the costs of the K-12 special education program.
The McCain-Palin Commitment: Reform And Refocus
· Provide Information And Assistance To Families Of Infants And Toddlers With Special Needs And Up-To-Date Information For Medical Professionals. The Parent Training and Information (PTI) Centers and Community Parent Information Centers (CPRCs) provide needed information and assistance. Unfortunately, to date, their focus has been parents of school age children; the McCain Administration will refocus IDEA so that the Centers must expand to parents with children ages 0-3. In addition, the McCain Administration will call for the Centers to provide access to better information for medical professionals about improvements in resources and the availability of assistance. In turn, these medical professionals will be able to provide better information to parents. This can be done with no additional cost beyond IDEA funding as it merely refocuses existing funding.
· Increase Funding For States To Improve Services To Families With Infants And Toddlers. Almost 80 percent of families with special needs children from birth through three years old serve their children at home under the IDEA program. Parents and families will benefit from improved programs and resources to maximize their child's potential in the early years under a McCain Administration. Currently, this part of IDEA is minimally funded. · Improve Services To Students With Disabilities In High Schools And Community Colleges. The McCain Administration will modernize the Vocational Rehabilitation Act to improve services to students with disabilities in high schools and community colleges. Require states to demonstrate proven outcomes for students with disabilities that lead to gainful employment when they graduate. When the Vocational Rehabilitation Act is modernized, funding should be refocused to incentivize proven outcomes for students with disabilities
Sunday, October 19, 2008
As strong as it gets!

Today Retired General Powell Endorsed Senator Obama for President. So let's hear the arguments why this endorsement is no good?
General Powell is:
1. A retired General
2, A former Secretary of State
3. A Republican
All this means he has the highest security clearance possible. He knows foreign affairs and would know whether Bill Ayres was an issue or not. I thought his answers and reasons for endorsing today where well thought out and clear.
Is this check mate?
Peace Dude!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
VIP Tickets?

Now being the good guy that I am I stood in line with my friendly Hamilton County Republicans to pick up the general admission tickets my Republican wife reserved for the Palin Rally. Well I thought this article on issues with VIP tickets was interesting.
Now I do remember some of my right leaning blogger pals really making a big stink over Senator Obama having a contest for VIP seating or something that required volunteer time. Oh my that was a big deal..so where is the outrage now? Was it not my same friends that started calling Obama the Messiah because he was filling concert venues for rallies? Oh my.....
Now interestingly enough there were a couple of quotes in this article earlier this morning about non VIP ticket holders that arrived early and a fence but it has been removed now.
I will say that I really enjoyed my time at the rally and everyone around me was really great and good people to be around. But gang if you are gonna throw rocks move out of your glass houses.
Peace Dude!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sarah Palin Rally in Noblesville!

Yep it's true I stood in line at Hamilton County Republican headquarters and got our three tickets to go see the Gov and VP Candidate Sarah Palin on her visit to Noblesville today. We took Nash with us with his sign about DS Awareness month and cheered for our friend and fellow parent in our world of Down syndrome. We actually got there late and found a really great parking spot and got to see and wave to Governor Palin as she drove by in her motorcade. We got a big smile and a wave and we were proud to be there.
We heard the warm up from Lt Gov Skillman.....................yawn. And why was it cutting a ribbon was more important for Mitch Daniels to attend then this? Has he written off the ticket?
Then we heard a really good stump speech from the Gov. Gosh I wish she was running for Governor her in Indiana. The speech rallied the troops and had everyone clapping and cheering. It was filled with good ole rally the base stuff and was good from that point. She did talk about what I went to hear. She said she would be a friend and advocate for parents of children with Special Needs and that was nice but it was pandering to the disability vote as it has no policy to back it up. So I am glad I went with an open mind and glad I got to see her.
Please hear me loud and clear I think John McCain is a great man and a true American Hero and I think Sarah Palin is an awesome Governor and will be part of our world in the future. But these are the reasons I can't vote for them.
1. Senator McCain's health care plan would cost my family big bucks. We have a very good employer based healthcare plan. Every decision made in our careers since Nash was born with ds has been based around health insurance. While Nash has zero health issues no insurance company will cover him on a stand alone policy in the market place. So if McCain's plan would be in effect we would lose our group plan, get a $5,000 tax credit to buy a $10,000 policy for us and have to go to the high risk pool for a policy for Nash. This plan would cost my family money and piece of mind and security. All of Senator Obama's plans will work for my family.
2. Senator McCain has said he would not offer additional funding for IDEA. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is what allows Nash and other children with disabilities to attend public school. The law has never been funded as promised by Congress in 1975 when passed and causes many issues due to lack of funding. Senator Obama has committed to full funding.
3. Senator McCain also will not fund No Child left Behind. This is bad legislation made worse by no funding. Senator Obama will fix this issue.
Those are my three main reasons. Sure I worry about national security. I lived and worked in the UK at the height of the IRA problems I know what it's like to worry about attacks. But I am one that believes we can work things out through diplomacy just like President Reagan did.
Sure Senator Obama's plans will cost money. How do we pay for them. Well if we can spend $10b a month in Iraq and $700b on a bunch of bums on Wall Street then we can find the money through cutting some waste.
I have tried my best to state my case without any name calling or accusations just the facts. Please feel free to try to convince me why I am wrong on any of the facts above.
oh, ya....speaking of Bill Ayers..... Heard a great point yesterday. As I was driving back from a meeting in IL I was listening to my old Favorite WLS AM and the Roe Cann show out of Chicago. This is a good right wing talk radio station that hosts RUSH. So I found it interesting that in Chicago they are scratching their heads as to the fact that most people in Chicago have never heard Ayres mentioned in Chicago politics until the R's brought him up. I thought that was profound.
Now I am hearing word that you had to make 100 phone calls for the McCain Camp to get VIP tickets. Now I think that is a great idea but the R's blasted the heck out of Obama when you had to do that same for VIP tickets for his event.
Peace Dude.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Be Afraid be very afraid!
ok, gang you can click on the link safely....it just a tv ad I think you will get a kick out of.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Simply the Best!

Well we are in Chicago....hell with the economy. We spent big bucks to see Tina Turner tonight and it was AWESOME.....we were in good company with Oprah, Stedman, Gail and Tom Cruise.....I will post more later but the above is a pic of Opie and Stedman....
I just wish I had Tina's energy....she is simply the BEST.
Peace Dude.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The VP Debate
All I can say is that I thought both Senator Biden and Governor Palin did a great job. They both stated their view points in a fair and positive way. While they disagreed on issues they did it with class while sticking to their viewpoints.
Well done to both candidates.
Now with 4 weeks to go let this sink in. This is the most important election of my lifetime and you must look at the facts that effect your life and your vision of this country and go VOTE!
Peace Dude!
Well done to both candidates.
Now with 4 weeks to go let this sink in. This is the most important election of my lifetime and you must look at the facts that effect your life and your vision of this country and go VOTE!
Peace Dude!
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