I woke up this morning from a dream. I smelled the salt air in my dream and I knew I was on the island. My favorite place in the world. It's a place where life slows all the way down. No one is in a hurry and no one really cared how long of a wait there is for dinner. The sand is salty white and full of shells. I still find it almost hard to believe we sold everything up north and turned it to cash. We loaded up the truck with what was left and we headed to our Island. We bought our little dream hotel and here we have been for the last few years. Welcoming our guests and making sure they have the greatest of times. Life is much slower, more rewarding and much less stressful. Well I better go make sure the beach has been prepared for the day and that the chairs and umbrella's are ready to go. What t-shirt shall I wear today....oh ya that one with our logo on the front and my favorite Captain Tony quote on the back. Wonder if I will see the Jensen boy's today.....
wow that coffee smells good....I open my eyes to find I am still in Indiana......well maybe some day...
Peace dude.